Top five favourites in five weeks.

My top five is now up for this week. This week favourites is all about liquid lipsticks. Can't wait for next weeks post Xx

1. Kylie Cosmetics 

Hands down kylie has the best liquid lipsticks. The formula  is amazing. Her lipsticks glide on so smoothy and stays on all day/night. Her colour range is amazing she has shades that will suit every skin ton. I find that Kylie has the best nude shades. I've added my favourite shades from each brand too help you out with your next purchase. Beware there all nude.

  • Dolce K 
  • Exposed
  • Candy K
  • Bunny
  • Naked 
  • Birthday Suit 

2. Mac Cosmetics 

I don't usually tend to reach for Mac as much anymore.  But when they announced that they were launching liquid lipsticks i was excited to try them out. As i do love there basic lipstick. I do only have one of there liquid lipsticks i need to go and pick up some more. But the shade i have is Burnt Spice. Its the perfect nude and the applicator is small which makes the easier too apply the product.

  • Burnt Spice 

3. Dose of Color 

Dose of Color has the best liquid lipsticks. This is another brand that i don't tend to reach for either. But the shades i do have are amazing. I love liquid lipsticks that have a small applicator which makes it easier to apply the product.

  • Sand
  • truffle 

4. Huda Beauty 

I love almost everything from Huda's range. Her liquid lipstick is amazing. I do only have two of them which are nude of course. Trendsetter and bombshell. Bombshell is my favourite nude shade. It isn't too pink but it isn't on the mauve side either. If your looking for a pink lipstick then i will go with bombshell. Put a nice lipgloss over the top, i'd recommend terkish delight from nars. Favourite combo ever!!!!

  • Trendsetter
  • Bomb Shell 

5.  Too Faced Cosmetics 

I cannot believe that i almost forgot about Too Faced!!! I think i reach for Too face the most. My FAVOURITE FAVOURITE nude lipstick is from there range. Child star. Hands down the Perfect nude. If i were to pick one brand to stick with liquid lipsticks then i will stick with too faced. Thats all i need to say. AMAZING!!!
