How to find your correct eyebrow colour

Choosing your eyebrow colour can be really difficult if you are just starting out with makeup. I realised I have covered everything else about brows but I haven't spoken about this topic before, silly me. I didn't realise how many people struggle with finding their brow colour until I got a few dm's on Instagram and saw a few girls in public with the wrong colour.

Here are the few things I look for when colour matching brows.
  • Natural hair colour 
  • Brow colour 
  • Skin Tone
Those three things are so important to look at when you are matching your brows. Most people think their brows have to be the same colour as there hair and that isn't correct. I find it's best to go at least a shade or two shades deeper then what you are naturally because if you do that your brows will give you a better shape. 

  • Search some pictures on google of swatches of the product you want to buy and see what is close to your eyebrow colour. 
  • Learn your undertones and what looks best. 

What shades to get if you have... 
  • Jet black/Brunette: 
Depending on how dark your hair is, some girls with brunette hair can get away with using a product with ash brown shade which is a light brown colour. If you are more on the darker side but still don't have black hair than lean towards chocolate which is a rich brown shade. 

  • Blonde hair 
If you have blonde hair I would recommend leaning towards the Taupe shade because having a warm undertone won't make you look ashy and grey and this tip also can work with girls that have red hair. 
