Working out your Go-To makeup look

The best thing about makeup is the different applications, different makeup styles and different makeup textures and that is the thing I love about makeup the most is how different you can be and if you don't like something you have applied you can always wash it off.
But you know what I find the hardest thing about makeup? Is finding your own look and your creating your own technique. I've mastered my Go-To makeup look which I have a blog post all about if you would like to give that a read. 

I've been a makeup addict for about 8 years and it's only just been the last 6 months that I've really been enjoying my Go-To makeup look and In this post, I will give you some tips and tricks on how you could find your own look.

Mix and Match 
Once you start building a collection you have so many products you can choose from and sometimes you forget you have certain items that you use to love. Try everything you have bought first and found out what you love and then mix them with your old products. 

Go out of your comfort zone
You never know what you truly love until you get out of your comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zone can really create wonderful things which you would never even think about if you didn't jump out in the first place.

Look for some inspo 
Social media is a great place for Inspiration and especially on Instagram and Pinterest. Find some beauty guru's to help you find what you like (if you are new to the makeup world) and try recreating their favourite go-to makeup look.

Incorporate your favourite colours 
If you don't know or haven't guessed what my favourite colour is then your living under a rock. My favourite colours are baby pink, blush and rose gold and those colours are very easy to find in the makeup world whether that is a lipstick, blush eyeshadow anything. If you have a favourite colour then try and incorporate it into your makeup routine to give it a little something-something.   

I hope this post helps you if you are new to this industry and would love to have your own look when you don't know what to put onto your face and want something quick and easy. If you do have your Go-To makeup I would love to see it and tag me on Instagram :). 

Love always, 
