New in Beauty: That I love

Can you believe that I haven't been shopping for a good 6 months? Crazy I know but I was saving up like crazy to buy my new bag and once I bought it, I went a little overboard and bought a little too much. I've seen the postman about 5 times this week and I guess you can say that I've got a very special relationship with him (and my dog has started to form a bond with him to ah ah ah).

While I was saving up for my bag I missed out on so many new product launches and It was really hard not to cave in and buy everything. I bought everything from Primers to concealers to colour correctors and of course, had to buy some new highlighters and after shopping up a storm I'm poor again. 

The best thing about being a blogger is also receiving a lot of makeup for free, which also helped me stay insane while I promised myself not to spend any money anyways I'm getting off topic, I've realised I do that quite a fair bit.

As you see I did go a little crazy over the last couple of weeks and this is just in beauty, I also went crazy and bought a lot of clothing items, Let me know if you would like to see a New in Fashion and I'm sure I'll create a blog post for you.

What are some of your new beauty products that you have been loving recently? that you think I might love too?

