How I edit my Flatlay pictures

I'm sure you've seen my Instagram by now and notice that I've stopped doing makeup on myself and just started doing flatlays instead. I was in a funk for most of this year and really wanted to do something different with my Instagram because I was overseeing my face all over my feed and doing the same pose in every picture.

I'm sure other people felt the same way when they look at my IG. So I started doing flatlays instead I love the way they look when they are all taken on the same background and same filter they all just flow together and it looks really nice.

Before I go on about how I edit my pictures I always take my flatlays on the same background so it flows and looks nicer. I take my pictures on a white cardboard that I got from an art shop and I'm sure you can get a white cardboard anywhere.

How I edit my Flatlay: 

Step 1: Open up Vsco Cam
I open up the app called vsco cam and then click on the filter "S1" most of the time I don't adjust how high  or low the filter is because I really like how it looks at it's fullest

Step 2: Facetune
You're probably thinking why facetune? I love to use facetune for flatlays too because when you're using a white background it tends to get dirty very easy. I press on the patch tool and remove any spots or marks that are in the way.

Step 3: Instagram
I personally love Instagram built-in editing features.

Brightness: 17+
Contrast: 7+
Highlights: 17+
Shadows: 17+
Sharpness: 30+
Lux: 5-10+ (depends on the photo)

And that is how I edit my Instagram pictures It's super easy and only takes less than 10 minutes. How do you edit your flatlay? and are you a flatlay fanatic like me?

