2019 goals: Blogging

The first month of 2019 is almost over and just like that we're back into a routine after our holidays spent with our family and friends. Some of us were organised at the end of the year and sat down to write out some goals before the new year hits and some of us haven't (me included).
I decided to wait until the end of Jan to write out all of my goals for 2019 because I wanted to look at the new year with a fresh set of eyes and more motivation. What are some of your goals for 2019?

Less time waisting: This isn't really a really big goal for me because I don't waste a lot of time as much as I use to, but I still find my self waisting time here and there where I could be using that time to focus on my blog. No more Netflix, No more listening to music (unless it's relaxing music). If you read that last bit, No more music? What do you mean? Yes no more music, I find that I waste a lot of time listening to music because I'm focusing on the song more than my work. 

Listen to more podcasts: I've always have known about podcast but I have never really been interested in listening to one myself. Until I found one about blogging and listening to peoples success stories about blogging. From now on instead of listening and making a playlist before I go to bed I decided I want to listen to blogging podcast and listen to different people's advice. 

Get a new job: While focusing on the blogging industry more this year I really would like to land myself a job in the social media side of things too. To be able to work alongside like-minded gurus and to be able to do something that I love before I become a full full-time blogger. 

Work with bigger "luxury" brands: Last year I was really lucky to work with a lot of brands and also work with a few luxury brands too such as Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors. I only got the chance to work with them for the fragrance side of my blog, so this year I decided to try and work with beauty luxury brands such as YSL, Charlotte Tilbury, Channel (dream). 

Go to more Launch parties and blogger events: After being invited to my very first blogger event last year made me realise I really would love to go to more of them. There the perfect time to network and make friends in the blogging industry. I've also notice that Perth, Is becoming bigger with their launch parties which makes me so so happy. 

Read more blogs/improve my writing skills: If you are a blogger yourself have you ever wanted to know how much you have improved? I have, I found myself stalking my own blog and seeing how far I have come along the way. I find the more I write the better I get, and the more I read blogs the better I get. Which is why this year I decide to take a couple of hours per day to read my favourite bloggers and really "study" how they write. 

Improve my photography: This is something I really lack and it really lets down the look of my website. I know I have improved since I first started but I could really still improve a lot more. I also believe the more I look at other peoples blog the more my own photography skills can improve. 

Love Always, 
